템플릿 – Service List With Intro

Service-Commodity Goods Continuum

Business services are a recognisable subset of Economic services, and share their characteristics. The essential difference is that Business are concerned about the building of Service Systems in order to deliver value to their customers and to act in the roles of Service Provider and Service Consumer.

Service Specification

Most products fall between these two extremes. For example, a restaurant provides a physical good, but also provides services in the form of ambience, the setting and clearing of the table, etc.

Economic Services

And although some utilities actually deliver physical goods — like water utilities which actually deliver water — utilities are usually treated as services.

빵빵잉글리시 어학원

사업자 번호: 653-91-02232

대표자: 박지민

사업자 주소: 부산광역시 부산진구 서전로8, 위워크 5층 501

대표번호: 010-3294-3652

대표계좌: 기업은행 091-195150-04-018  빵빵잉글리시

Paypal: Individual Request

이메일 주소: bbangbbangenglish@gmail.com

통신판매업신고번호: 제 2025-부산진-23호

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