여러분  안녕하세요! 원어민 선생님과 함께 하는 수업이 1월 둘째주부터 개설이 됩니다!

우선 1월에 개설되는것이고 여러분의 참여율에 따라서 계속 될지 안될지 판단 될 예정입니다!



1회차 – 2022.01.10일 (화) 저녁 7시30분-8시30분+@ (KST) 한 클래스당 소수정예 7명

2회차 – 2022.01.13일 (목) 저녁 7시30분-8시30분+@ (KST) 한 클래스당 소수정예 7명

3회차 – 2022.01.17일 (화) 저녁 7시30분-8시30분+@ (KST) 한 클래스당 소수정예 7명

4회차 – 2022.01.19일 (목) 저녁 7시30분-8시30분+@ (KST) 한 클래스당 소수정예 7명


1회 참여 가격 – 15,000원

2회 참여 가격 – 28,000원

3회 참여 가격 – 40,000원

4회 참여 가격 – 45,000원


필수체크 주의사항

  • 한 클래스당 3명이상 참가할때 수업이 진행 됩니다.
  • 횟수 참석여부를 선택후, 참석 가능한 날짜를 따로 카톡으로 말씀 해주세요! (jimin_english)
  • 모든 수업은 원어민선생님이 이끌며, 영어로 다 진행 됩니다.
  • 모든 레벨이 참가 가능합니다.
  • 줌으로만 진행 됩니다.
  • 참가하신분들께는 수업후 녹화된 영상이 100% 제공 됩니다.
  • 주제는 다음과 같습니다.


1회차 주제 

One of the best things about living in Korea is experiencing 4 different seasons. Pretend I have a friend visiting from the states and I need to think of ideas of what to do with them here in Korea- can you help me? 

  1. What are some activities I should do? Where are they and why should I do them?
  2. What are some special foods I should eat? What are some specialties that are custom to eat in the winter?
  3. Any special events that happen or any special places that are particularly cool this time of year? 


2회차 주제 

Goals are things you want to accomplish or achieve. Something you are working on continuously to better yourself. 


  • I want to wake up by 7am every morning.
  • I want to learn how to swim.
  • I want to travel to 2 different countries. 


  1. Looking back on last year, did you achieve any goals?
    1. How did you achieve them?
    2. How long did it take you?
    3. What did you do to achieve them?
  2. Any goals you weren’t able to complete? 
    1. What made it difficult to complete?
    2. Is it something you want to keep trying at or have you changed your goal?
    3. If you do want to continue trying, what will you do to achieve it?

3회차 주제 

“It seems that the more places I see and experience, the bigger I realize the world to be. The more I become aware of, the more I realize how relatively little I know of it, how many places I have still to go, how much more there is to learn.”- Anthony Bourdain

Travel is something that can be life changing. It can also be something that shows you something new about a new place, culture, or people. Think back on some of your travels and pick one place you went to for the first time that was special to you. This can be in Korea or a different country.

  1. Where did you go? When? For how long?
  2. What did you do on this trip?
  3. What was something that was surprising to you about this new place?
  4. How often do you travel?
  5. How do you feel when you travel?


4회차 주제 

Self care is always a big theme for the new year. Self care is different for everyone. It can be physical, mental, spiritual, or a combination of everything. What is your own definition of self care?

  1. How often do you treat yourself to something- just for you? Something that makes you happy and not for anyone else.
  2. What do you do for self care? 
  3. Is there any kind of self care you want to do more of?
  4. Anything new you want to start this year for self care?


주제에 대한 대답을 미리 준비 해오시면 됩니다!



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